Website Planning & Strategy
Strategy and planning are common words that many people for the most part define as synonymous. In actuality, the words should not be used interchangeably; they are not the same thing. They are both vital and separate steps in a plan to building an effective website, or any online presence.
Although strategy and planning are important for any project, we know that these steps are absolutely vital for maximum return when building a website and related online presence. This means you need to know where you are, where you want to be, how you are going to get there and how you will handle obstacles along the way.
- A Plan is an intention, decision about what to do, or overall goal
- A Strategy is how you are going to get there, and all the actions involved along the way
Without these vital introductory steps, you will quickly lose focus and momentum, not to mention other issues and complications will arise. Need help with your website planning or website strategy? We offer free initial consultations. Contact us with the details.
Website Planning
Website planning starts with determining the objective of your website. Are you selling products or just passing information? Is your audience public or private? What is your competitive edge? What domain name should you pick? What hosting company is best fit for your website project? What is your budget for the website build, upgrades and ongoing maintenance? Do you want to hire a web designer or do you want to be able to handle the website on your own? There are many more questions that must be answered during your website planning sessions.
One Stop Tech Shop offers services to help you with your website planning and every other step of your online project. We listen to what you want, gather the details, access your existing situation, research your competition and assure you have a solid plan for the way ahead. Before we suggest to begin your website planning, we listen to what you want and thoroughly analysis all the details and offer your best solution. Then, we see what you want to do, and we go from there.
Website Strategy
One you have determined your overall website plan, the next step is to determine a strategy. Website strategy research may overlap with website planning and that is common and normal. Strategy includes things like determining what sets you apart from the competitors, how to rise in search engine ranking, and how to increase your leads and conversions. What is your brand message? How are you going to allot time for social site interactions and blogging? This is the time to research your competitors and make a list of what you like and do not like.
Do you plan to use videos, slideshows, or email marketing to get the word out? Is your audience on one social site more than another? These are the types of things you need to know to create an effective website strategy to achieve your online goals. We can help you with your website and online presence strategy. Contact One Stop Tech Shop for a free initial consultation!
Plan and Strategize First!
There are a lot of moving pieces involved in a website project. One must address issues of design, development, domain selection, hosting and security just to get a project online. After that, there other efforts that will be needed to keep it online and running smoothly. With all the complexities, a solid plan and effective strategy will get you where you want to be quicker and smoother than rushing into a build to get your site too quickly. Frankly, for the audience, a rushed website looks like it was rushed and that is not the impression you want to leave on current and potential clients. Rushed websites, unless very small, are usually are not maximized efficiently in the backside coding and search engine optimization.
Proper planning and strategy before starting a website build is absolutely mandatory if you want to maximize your efforts and save time and money in the long run. Remember, your website represents you and your business throughout the Internet. Take the time to plan and strategize to assure your website and online presence is displayed in a way that represents your products and services.